Monday, October 12, 2009

New/s rules for more Twitter exposure

Broken hearts. Mundane cups of tea. The Twitterverse has it all. And depending on who you are following some can more salacious and entertaining than others. Up the Tweetdebate - known for its condensed form of short messaging or microblogging as tweets, Twitter lets users update in 140 characters their succinct social status 'fact/s'.

No longer. You may have noticed - you can hardly miss amid the blaze of updates - longer tweets. Tweets that go beyond the 140 character brief. Enter, Twerbose which allows for 'all-can-type' updates. Utilised by the likes of the Lohan sisters it must be easy to use and thus has secured, already, popularity with the yoff. Take heed though, as such tweet extensions allow for longer replies and talking heads. And not necessarily of the polite and liked type.

Take Frances Bean Cobain's (@Gofackadawg) rant at mini Lohan...
This is my open letter to Ali Lohan.
Your not entitled to anything...
Unlikely to spark the next Lohan meltdown such extended tweet coverage does rather retract from the original delight and skill of the 140 character composition, not to say composure - both words and socially. As a continually Twitteriffic, nay social media, directed lifestyle this represents the fast work of fingers and thumbs able to update about everything to everyone.

Perhaps there should be a masterclass in Twitteretiquette? A new moral code highlighting the when it is appropriate to tweet, our expectations of others and how they should respond.

Following a w/e full of 'you must respond NOW' constant tweet demands from a certain difficult and cantankerous person (they are a drama queen), I was reminded of a few pet peeves in the social situating via such brief characters. Indeed, upon my i've dropped everything and have relinquished to your demands by near instantanous reply. They (that cantankerous person) then choose not to respond. In short they failed in their duty to keep to the communication rules in our treatment of others.

How rude.

Time for blood to befall their bootstraps. Or perhaps they could just read the following...

Here's a top 10 list of things that I insist upon to for tweetsuavity.

1. One does not resort to anniversay based demands or expectations. These are the refuge of the insecure and unimaginative. Facebook already tells me it's is your birthday.

2. Always be aware of Followers. This means that you will endeavour to be creative with updates. Above all, respond in kind to @replies. Unless you're Hilary Clinton, then you get your PTA (personal twitter assistant) to manage these for you.

3. Broadcast is a core element of the tweet. Keep in mind then that these act as an open invitation for commentary about potential holes, mistruths and demands which exist as part of every update.

4. Always respond to notified errors, however insignificant these may appear to be.

5. Encourage civility. And, if work related, always uphold professionalism.

6. It is within your rights to refuse Followers. Call this social standards. If one faction is a PR SPAM promoting tweeter you have every right to block. It is not about the number of people as Followers, but the quality of updates and your connection. This means that you may not want any Lohan following.

7. Never copy and paste a tweet without a 'retweet' RT tag. This is akin to theft. You will be found. You know who you are.

8. Embrace the tinyurl, photos, video and additional appi's in every way possible.

9. Remember, unless you double check your privacy settings, your personal tweet archives are freely available. This means that those intent on making mountains out of molehills could cite your words back to you, whether you intended them to be read in that way or not.

10. Work with Twitter newbies. You know the one's with less than three followers. You were one too once.

(opps one more)

11. Try not to use Twitter for professional only relationships. This is reserved for those persons you have not met irl, or if you are not friends with their friends. As an enquiry that requires more than 140 characters of content should be mediated by other forms. NOT a string of tweets.

...And finally, never make lists of 10.

Tweeting may lead you to being the talk of the town, but only ever until the next update. And the tweets never reveal what you really think do they?... Unless they're directed at a certain cantankerous nitwit...


Mate said...

ooo issues. Was it Lohan who pissed you off. Of that other gal who shall remain nameless.

Dr Mariann Hardey said...

They have been deleted. They are yet to apologise.

Gym James said...

So you finally got a handle on your situation! congrats!

Dr Mariann Hardey said...

Thanks it was a long time coming huh! kick to the curb etc. :-)

Anonymous said...

'Cantankerous drama queen'hey. We have all come across them. Feel better now?...

Dr Mariann Hardey said...

@ Anon,
Yes. Yes indeed, I feel cleansed. S/he has been made suitably clear of the situation. They are equally delighted with the outcome.

Ivanin said...

Neat post. Need more Top 10's. Especially yours Ms Hardey.